viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

The myth of the creation of the sun and the moon in Teotihuacan

The Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan 

According to the Aztec myth of the creation of the sun and the moon, the gods gathered in the darkness at Teotihuacan. The Aztecs believed that there was no light on the earth at those times, because the sun was destroyed during the Chalchiutlicue´s (water goddess) era. Therefore, the gods decided that it was necessary to create a new sun and a new moon. There were two gods: Tecuciztécatl and Nanahuatzin. The first one was a beautiful god and the second one was a small humble god, whose face was disfigured by pimples and sores. 
Both of them volunteered to sacrifice themselves to create the sun and the moon, and to worship the rest of the gods. They prepared themselves for many days to go into the fire, which was the sacrifice designated by the powerful gods. 
Image of Nanahuatzin according to the Borgia Codex 
After several days of preparation, Tecuciztécatl decided first to step forward into the fire, but he refused when he felt the heat of the flames. He tried again but he didn´t have the courage to enter the flames. After several times that he refused, Nanahuatzin decided to enter into the fire. Indeed, he stepped forward and burn himself, until his body burned completely. When the gods saw the braveness and courage of Nanahuatzin, they decided that he would be the new sun. 
On the other hand, when Tecuciztécatl saw this he entered the flames and became the new moon. The gods decided to throw a rabbit at the new moon (Tecuciztécatl) so that he wouldn´t shine like the new sun (Nanahuatzin) because of his lack of braveness.

It´s important to notice the cosmology of the prehispanic cultures to be able to understand their religion.

Published by Patricio Loizaga R.

For further information, you can consult the following biography:

León-Portilla, Miguel, Antología de Teotihuacan a los aztecas. Fuentes e interpretaciones históricas, México, UNAM, 1995.

2 comentarios:

  1. Patricio, I am looking very forward to reading your articles especially since they are written by someone with a substancial amount of education in this topic. Viva la historia mexicana!!! Saludos, David

  2. Thanks David, I really appreciate your interest in these artickes.
    Saludo, Patricio
